Kashmir: There is no End to the Crisis
Irving Resources, etc.
In the post-British India, Kashmir has never had peace. No place in India has had peace. The country wallows in wretchedness, extreme poverty, exploitation, and utter degradation.
India’s leadership continues to get worse with time.
Prime Minister Modi has no real experience of life. He has always been a bully. He is simplistic in his thinking. It is hard to say if he has any political beliefs. It is hard to see if he is driven by anything else than power-lust. He does not even care about money, which makes his power-lust very potent. He does what gets him votes. He has a fabulous understanding of the psyche of the masses. For now, given the rise in religious nationalism, Modi is playing the Hindu-card with the so-called educated, forever-envious Middle Class. There indeed are massive problems to do with the rigidities of the Muslim community. But this must be dealt with directly, rather than by making Hindus fanatic.
With all that said, I am in support of Modi’s Kashmir policy.
Pakistan is imploding, a product of the culture of hate that it has been following since it incorporated sharia in its constitution. It treats its minority abysmally if at all some are still left and not forcibly converted into Islam. Moreover, were Kashmir to become a part of Pakistan, its people would be treated as minorities, as Ahmadis are—when you apply for a Pakistani visa, Muslims have to affirm that Ahmadis are not Muslim. Despite so many problems of their own, Pakistanis have been conditioned to cry their hearts out for Palestinians and Kashmiris. This “empathy” is nothing but psychology of blaming others for every problem, the psychology of professional victims.
Alas, in the scheme of things, Kashmir is a mere one detail. In general, quite in contrast to conventional wisdom, prosperity, education, and democracy are leading to degradation and instability around the world:
On Investments…
Irving Resources (IRV; C$2.23) has fallen quite a bit, as have so many other companies. IRV has drilled at least eight holes over the last few weeks at Omui Mine. The rig will move to the Omu Sinter area next month. There has indeed been a delay in the release of assay results, but once they start coming, you should expect a regular news flow. I have been told that the company will release all assays. Drilling and other geological work will continue over the winter season.
The dip in share prices of good gold juniors exactly when gold price has gone up is for me a unique opportunity. Cory Fleck and I talk about the situation in the linked discussion.
Warm regards,
Jayant Bhandari
Associate: Rajni Bala
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