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Musings on Investing

Indian Gold Imports and its Dirty Secrets My Three Favorite Zinc Companies There is a lot of confusion in the market regarding how much gold India is importing. I explain the situation in a speech…

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Musings on Investing

Emerging Markets: Ready to Implode? MakeMyTrip, Anfield Gold, Amarillo Gold Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, and most of South America have economically grown nicely over the last 26 years. In my view…

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Musings on Investing

Multiculturalism and Immigration Central Fund of Canada, Nevsun Resources, and Mariana Resources At the last Capitalism & Morality seminar my colleague, Rajni Bala, gave a speech on what life is like for a girl growing…

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Musings on Investing

India Getting Worse, Faster by the Day Tenbaggers in Junior Mining A few days back I wrote an article “India: The Next Pakistan?”. World Happiness Report places India at 122nd position. Pakistan gets a much…